Once upon a time, long ago, it was thought ok for the boss to throw the office Christmas party in the office, to ship in a few gallons of warm chardonnay, some pork pies and sausage rolls and get the PA to put up a few streamers and balloons. Party music courtesy of a hastily-borrowed hi-fi, and an unlocked stationery cupboard where Dave from accounts could put his hand up Sharon from reception’s skirt was the entertainment, and dancing was the thing you woke up the next morning cringing about, remembering whooping as you leapt around the conference room with your tie round your head before plunging into the office once more to photocopy your own arse.
Then along came the Pretty Clever Christmas fairy and transformed the office Christmas party into something magical and splendid. Instead of making a crazy fool of themselves in their own space, the Pretty Clever team offered work teams and groups of friends an amazing wealth of choices… Shared parties around the whole country, exclusive venues on weekend nights transformed into Winter Wonderlands, James Bond casinos, Wild Wests or 20s Prohibition Speakeasys. They had incredible live music and performers… ice, fire, dancing, DJs and even sexy Santas on stilts, the office Christmas party was forever transformed into something exciting, pleasurable and fun.
Of course the Pretty Clever fairies know that some people still quite like the old ways, so they have photocopiers, dodgy hi-fis and fake stationery cupboards if you want a ‘traditional’ party theme. But why not look at what else they have got – they can offer a solution for any size group, and any size budget. Take the challenge… see if you can ask for a party they can’t make happen for you.
Christmas is a time for giving; why not let Pretty Clever Events give you the Christmas party you deserve. Have you been good boys and girls? Or very bad?!
Contact the Christmas Fairy at Pretty Clever on Christmas@prettyclever.co.uk or call 01273 771500
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