Pretty Clever celebrates new relationship with Brighton and Hove Albion FC

There are all sorts of exciting and unique venues on the horizon with in the Brighton area and as a destination we are firmly on the map now and taking giant footsteps into creating an attractive conference destination for delegates. Brighton really does have it all –...

Our Top Ten New Years Resolutions

A new year is a time to reflect on things past and embrace the future with many of us setting ourselves New Years Resolutions – if we’re all honest with ourselves though I guess it would be debatable as to how many of the resolutions we set we actually achieve. I...

Happy Client – Tick!

December seems such a long time away now that we’ve all got our heads stuck back into client files. Today at HQ it’s rainy, grey and frankly everything you’d expect from an early January day so what better to brighten the mood than some more scrummy feedback from a...