Today is International Women’s Day, celebrating women’s rights throughout the world. It’s not just International Women’s Day – it’s the centenary! 100 years today! As a company owned and run almost entirely by women, Pretty Clever Events celebrates today, and pays tribute to those suffragettes and campaigners who helped create the opportunities we have today. The following is an excerpt from the IWD website…
“….In 1911, International Women’s Day (IWD) was celebrated for the first time in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland on 19 March. More than one million women and men attended IWD rallies campaigning for women’s rights to work, vote, be trained, to hold public office and end discrimination. On the eve of World War I campaigning for peace, Russian women observed their first International Women’s Day on the last Sunday in February 1913. In 1913 following discussions, International Women’s Day was transferred to 8 March and this day has remained the global date for International Wommen’s Day ever since.
Annually on 8 March, thousands of events are held throughout the world to inspire women and celebrate achievements. A global web of rich and diverse local activity connects women from all around the world ranging from political rallies, business conferences, government activities and networking events through to local women’s craft markets, theatric performances, fashion parades and more.
Many global corporations have also started to more actively support IWD by running their own internal events and through supporting external ones. For example, on 8 March search engine and media giant Google some years even changes its logo on its global search pages. Year on year IWD is certainly increasing in status. The United States even designates the whole month of March as ‘Women’s History Month’.
So make a difference, think globally and act locally!! Make everyday International Women’s Day. Do your bit to ensure that the future for girls is bright, equal, safe and rewarding.”
To celebrate International Women’s Day we’re offering a deal for anyone making a booking with us as a result of an enquiry made today. Mention IWD when making your enquiry and we’ll knock 10% off our fees for your event!
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