Great to see the refurbishment of the Brighton Centre finally realised and the doors open on Brighton’s new and improved conference centre. Brighton Council originally approved the £1m investment for the refurbishment which began in 2010 and doors opened last week.
Initial improvements include the replacement of more than 4,000 seats in Auditorium 1, the refurbishment of Auditorium 2, enhanced meeting facilities and the modernisation of existing interiors. The improvements to this 5,000 capacity venue slap bang on the seafront also include fabulous new glazed frontage giving the venue a greatly improved facelift, and a complete redesign and remodel of the restaurant
Whilst the venue has always offered a large and flexible meeting space in the city, these improvements really improve the offering for conference bookers and large congress.
Brighton Centre acting general manager Howard Barden said: “With the completion of these works, we anticipate we will greatly enhance the delegate and visitor experience keeping the venue competitive and relevant on both the national and international conference venues scene.”
If you would like more information about the Brighton Centre or to arrange a visit to see the new facilities, please email us
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