Spring is finally here! The sun is out and the birds are tweeting. We’ve been Tweeting too, more than ever – warm weather means we can finally advertise outdoor events! Last year’s favourite was Treasure Hunt, a great opportunity for clients to get up out of the office and into the danger zone!

Treasure Hunts are a mental stimulation as well as physical, combining clue seeking and comedy to create the perfect outdoor pursuit. GPS technology is an integral part of the experience. The Google Maps interface shows your location and more importantly, where the other teams are! Photo and video opportunities add an artistic touch and will be shown during the results session to bring the event to a hilarious finale. We’re also rather chuffed with our ability to tailor the Treasure Hunts to suit you. You might enjoy some ‘industry related’ questions or cheeky innuendos about your management team (all in good faith of course)!

If you prefer a roof over your head, Pretty Clever specialises in a wide range of indoor activities, from gripping bake offs to wine tasting. Yes, you can sample your food along the way, and yes, everything is edible! Our Cocktail Masterclass is especially popular. The summer sizzlers are sure to warm your hearts and tummies.

Pretty Clever is renowned for its extraordinary team activities. Call us today for a quote!