This week The Apprentice hit The Big Apple! Lord Sugar summoned his aspiring colleagues to the American Embassy in London, where he informed them that their task was to come up with an advertising campaign to launch a new soft drink in the US. They also had to design a website, TV advert and digital billboard, and finally pitch their campaign to marketing professionals.
But only half the hopefuls were allowed across the pond. Two from each team remained in the UK to work on the drink’s ingredients. Team Tenacity, led by Aussie-born Mark Wright, came up with pinapple-based drink Aquafusion, while Team Summit went with project manager Bianca Miller’s energy drink, Big Dawg.
Both adverts were embarrassingly bad. Think first school IT projects. Some of the candidates even starred in the ads themselves, with horrible results. These people claim to be creatively driven but Lauren couldn’t even pull off an American accent and Soloman stood frozen to the spot with an expression that summed up how the industry professionals would soon feel. Felipe was actually in tears when he saw their ad appear in Times Square. I’m sure others were too, for different reasons.
Team Tenacity lost after Lord Sugar quite rightly described their drink as ‘dull, dull, dull’. Big Dawg took the crown for appealing to the American market. It was Lauren who was fired for not contributing enough to the task. I was rooting for a double elimination this week. Daniel has got to go. I can’t tolerate those self-righteous expressions much longer.
Now the rubbish is being filtered, stars are beginning to emerge. Mark and Roisin appear to have their heads screwed on straight. Let’s hope their business plans are as cool as their team spirit because I’m rooting for them to be in the final!
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