The strangest request we ever had…

So here at Pretty Clever we’re used to dealing with some diverse enquiries but this one really takes the biscuit… Company: Gingerbread Men R Us Subject: christmas party 007 style Message body: Hello I am wondering if you could help me. I am looking to...

Musical team building

Today we have a guest blogger – Anna Wright – who joins the Pretty Clever team as musical expert and facilitator of music and percussion-based team building. Hot on the success of ‘The Choir’ we’re launching a range of team exercises and...

Three cheers for PAs

Today is National PA Day – and no, it’s nothing to do with piercings. It’s a day to celebrate the PA, Personal Assistant, and all they do to help keep the wheels of industry turning. I’ve been a PA. In my distant past I worked for a large...

Hospitality rocks

Today seems to be mostly about hospitality for me, something that seems to come in waves for us here at Pretty Clever Events. Clients are gearing up for and booking the Six Nations already, and the last of the racing season is still offering great days out. But there...

Summer fun, with or without the sun

It’s the topic on everyone’s lips, and for all the wrong reasons. What the HELL has happened to our summer?! Where is the blazing sun, the al fresco dining, the lazing in the park… and importantly for event organisers, what can you do about the summer party? Mud and...